Halacha for Thursday 27 Cheshvan 5774 October 31 2013

Speaking Maran zt”l’s Praises on Shabbat

Question: Next week will mark thirty days since the passing of Maran zt”l. We would like to hold a public eulogy for Maran in our synagogue this coming Shabbat. Is this permissible?
Answer: The Rambam (Chapter 11 of Hilchot Evel) writes that one may not eulogize on Yom Tov. This applies even to a eulogy for a Torah scholar. It seems clear from here that one may not deliver a eulogy on Shabbat, even in honor of a Torah scholar.
Nevertheless, Hagaon Harav Chaim Palagi writes as follows in his Sefer Ru’ach Chaim: “In our city, Izmir, it is customary to eulogize a Torah scholar in his presence.” He writes that this practice was indeed followed by one of the great luminaries residing in the city.
The Sefer Menachem Avelim writes that when Moreinu Hagaon Harav Yom Tov Benbenishti on the holiday of the seventh day of Pesach, Hagaon Maharam eulogized him lengthily.
It seems that this custom is contrary to the words of the aforementioned Rambam who writes that a eulogy may not be held on Yom Tov. Nevertheless, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes (in his Chazon Ovadia-Avelut, Part 1, page 291) that we can explain that the Rambam’s ruling applies only to a real eulogy spoken in a wailing tune. However, a discourse or lecture which is not essentially meant as a eulogy is permitted on Shabbat when discussing a great Torah scholar who disseminated Torah.
He quotes the Sefer Binah Le’Itim who discusses the custom of the greatest rabbis of the generation to publicly preach about the passing of the Torah leaders of the generation although Shabbat is the most exalted day of the week and the head of all festivals. It would seem that certainly, some members of the audience will certainly become upset and sad and this is similar to delivering a eulogy on Shabbat which is disrespectful to the Shabbat. However, this is indeed not the case, for the objective of the discourse is to arouse the audience to repair what was ruined as a result of the sage’s passing by mending our ways and repenting fully.
Indeed, Hagaon Moreinu Harav Yosef of Tarani writes in his discourses that it is true that one may not cry as a result of the sanctity of Shabbat, however, when we try to ascertain why a great Torah scholar passed away, one may even feel pain and be upset on Shabbat in order for us to repent fully and mend our crooked ways. He proceeds to bring a source for this leniency.
Thus, halachically speaking, one may gather the congregation in the synagogue during a Shabbat within the mourning period for a great sage and urge those assembled to renew their commitment to Torah and Mitzvot and to repent fully. It seems that the same applies regarding the coming Shabbat although the seven days of mourning for Maran have already passed; it is nevertheless permissible to hold such an assembly in order to awaken the congregation to repent fully and try to compensate for this great loss, as much as possible.
May Hashem see our suffering and hear our prayers. May we merit experiencing the Final Redemption and entering a world which will be completely Shabbat and restful for all eternity speedily and in our days, Amen.

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