Question: At what height should the Mezuzah be affixed onto the doorpost?
Answer: The Gemara (Menachot 33a) and the Poskim state that the Mezuzah should be affixed at the beginning of the top third of the doorpost, i.e. the doorpost should be divided into three equal parts and at beginning of the top third (from bottom to top) is the correct place to affix the Mezuzah.
The Rishonim disagree regarding whether or not one who has affixed the Mezuzah under the top third of the doorpost, such as if one has placed the Mezuzah at the mid-point of the doorpost, has fulfilled one’s obligation. According to the Rosh, one has indeed fulfilled one’s obligation. According to the Rambam, on the other hand, even if one has done so already, one does not fulfill one’s obligation and one must remove the Mezuzah and affix it in the correct place. Halachically speaking, Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 289) rules in accordance with the Rambam’s opinion and writes that one must affix the Mezuzah specifically in the beginning of the top third of the doorpost and if one mistakenly affixes it any lower, one must remove it and reaffix it in the correct place.
We must now discuss a scenario where the doorway of the house is extremely high in which case affixing the Mezuzah to the beginning of the top third of the doorpost will still be very high up and kissing the Mezuzah when entering or exiting the house, as many are accustomed to, will be difficult or impossible. Should the Mezuzah, in this case, be affixed to a height where people can reach it and kiss it or should it be affixed to the top third of the doorpost even in this case?
Halachically speaking, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes (in his Halichot Olam, Volume 8, page 248) that the Mezuzah must always be affixed at the beginning of the top third of the doorpost and one may not veer from the ruling of Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch and all of the other Poskim who rule that one must do so even if this means that one will not be able to kiss the Mezuzah as is customary.
Summary: In all situations, the Mezuzah must be affixed at the beginning of the top third of the doorpost, as we have explained.