Halacha for Wednesday 3 Av 5784 August 7 2024

Exile and Redemption

Question: Is there any reason for one who is well-off in this world and does not really have any major troubles to anticipate Hashem’s salvation through the Final Redemption and the arrival of Mashiach if he is not lacking anything?

Answer: The reason why we are suffering so much during this exile is not only because of each Jew’s personal problems. Although one’s personal suffering alone would have provided good enough reason to anticipate Hashem’s great salvation, nevertheless, this is not the primary reason we hope for Mashiach. The greatest punishment that we endure as a result of our current exile is that Hashem’s Divine presence has left us. The definition of “Hashem’s Divine presence” is Hashem’s unique closeness to the Jewish nation. When Hashem rests His presence in a specific place, this manifests itself in the way that Hashem’s presence is especially felt in this place. For instance, Hashem’s presence was especially felt in the Bet Hamikdash, for one’s prayers were answered there, several miracles occurred there on a daily basis, and there was a clear understanding and feeling of Hashem’s existence in the world. Thus, Hashem’s Divine presence rested on the Bet Hamikdash in a distinctive manner. Similarly, Hashem’s Divine presence rested upon the Jewish nation when they resided in their land. However, now that we have sinned, Hashem has exiled us from our land, our holy Temple has been destroyed, and Hashem’s Divine presence has left us.

As time goes on since the destruction of the Bet Hamikdash, our situation in terms of spirituality and closeness to Hashem becomes progressively worse. Until several decades ago, the Jewish nation possessed Torah scholars worthy of performing miracles, but alas, they are all gone today. Only seventy years ago there were scholars whose every word came true; however, nowadays, Hashem’s presence is not as noticeable in the world, for we live in times where Hashem hides himself from us. This is truly a reason to weep and to eagerly anticipate Hashem’s salvation.

As a result of Hashem’s Divine presence having left us, even the nations of the world do not believe that we will once again return to being the most important nation in the world. Even those nations who believe in the Tanach (Bible) claim that Hashem has left us forever because we have strayed from His path (which is indeed the claim of the Christians and Muslims).

Indeed, the prophet states, “I, yes I, am the one who comforts you.” Maran Rabbeinu zt”l asks that this verse seems redundant; would exclaiming “I am the one who comforts you” only once not have sufficed?

The Maggid of Dubna explains this matter with a parable: Once, two men left their wives and travelled abroad. One travelled because he could not earn a living in his home-town and wished to try his luck elsewhere. The other man left his wife because they had fought and he therefore left home. A prolonged amount of time had elapsed and their wives had heard anything from their husbands. They began to inquire about their welfare from other merchants from foreign lands who had arrived in their town but to no avail. One day, however, a successful merchant arrived in town and sent regards to the two women from their husbands. He also told them that he had brought each of the women a letter from their respective husbands. However, he requested that they give him a day or two to settle down after which he would look through his luggage and find the letters and happily give them over.

The wife of the wealthier husband seemed satisfied with the merchant’s request. However, the wife of the poor man who could not earn a living begged the merchant to give her the letter immediately. When the merchant asked her why she pleaded with him more than the other woman, she replied, “The other woman lacks nothing financially. She was only afraid that her husband had left her and her children forever. However, when she heard that her husband had sent her regards and even sent her a letter, this calmed her down, for she understood that he would sooner or later come back home. I, on the other hand, have nothing to eat or wear at home and I a therefore yearn to know what my husband has written me regarding whether or not he has found a source of livelihood.”

This is what Hashem meant when he said, “I, yes I, am the one who comforts you.” There mere fact that Hashem has come to comfort us shows us that Hashem will once again return to us and rest His Divine presence upon us. This is why Hashem said “I,” for by mere virtue of the fact that Hashem is our consoler, this is already our comfort that Hashem will soon redeem us.

May we all achieve the level of truly anticipating Hashem’s salvation and may we all merit seeing the comforting of Zion through the rebuilding of Jerusalem, speedily and in our days, Amen.

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